
聯成20週年紀念特輯   LCC Design Power




 ★五大主題:漫畫Comic/電繪Painter/遊戲Game/繪本Picture books/3D動畫3D Animation

超值贈送:時尚創意插畫(1-3)精選集內附贈時尚向量曲線100張圖 AI/JPG/    市價1,200

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Contents   漫畫Comic

03 三月兔在畫筆下,翩翩起舞的美麗身影絵筆の下で軽やかに舞う美しい影

07 翔龍/戰部露初訪『正義必勝』漫画遊樂園翔龍戰部露的魔神英雄伝ワタ

10 吳克祥漫畫是一種對世界的夢想漫画は1種の世界に対する夢想です

13 洪育府走自己想走的道路,畫自己想畫的故事Go Your Own Way. Paint Your Own Story

17 妍希追求突破的契機Finding an Opportunity to Get a Break

20 林昆錦年輕的潛力者台灣漫畫的後起之秀A future star of comic in Taiwan(06).jpg(07).jpg   


25 蚩尤找尋自己的創作價值Searching for an Artistic Creation’s Value of the Self

29 Krenz 讓繪畫成為生活的語言Painting is a Language in Our Living

31 Simi 走進SIMI的藝術樂園Walk into SIMI’s Artistic Paradise

33 林奕辰奇幻與寫實交錯的視覺饗宴Fantasy and Realism Interlaced in the Visional Feast

37 張秩維藝術,是一扇閱讀世界的窗Art is the Window to Read the World instead of an Ornamentation

39 唐育安畫筆下舞動的華麗圓舞曲Magic Attraction of the Painting

41 東方月愛情浪漫的本質是最動人的題材Love is the most moving theme

45 文成用專業成就創作之路Walking on the professional creation road of painting

47 康雯嵐在唯美寫實中創造美好的視覺體驗Create a better visual experience between aesthetic and realistic




51 蒙其遊戲世界:力與美的感官震撼The Visual Impact of Power and Beauty in the Game World

55 林鑫進入遊戲世界,挑戰你的勇氣與夢想Challenge Your Courage and Dreams to Enter the Game World

57 夜雨遊戲美術設計師的拼圖任務The Puzzle Task of Game Artists

59 練任用創意,為遊戲世界賦予蓬勃生機Creativity Gives A Game Wonderful Vitality

62 疑聞畫出虛擬遊戲世界的真實人物Painting Real People in Virtual Game World

65 漢克先生天空之城,承載飛翔遊戲世界的創作之魂Fly in The Sky of Game World

67 安培遊戲的另一種可能性:自制遊戲的挑戰與樂趣Another Possibility of games


繪本Picture books

71 霸子霸子與畫板的創意生活Art Attack with Bart and His Drawing Board

75 王子麵跟著王子麵的貓一起去旅行Traveling with Ann’s Cat in a Fairytale World

77 BLUE 換個角度,看見不一樣的世界Seeing another World from a Different Perspective

79 張放之用繪筆表演的說書人A Storyteller Perform By Drawing Pen

82 亦飛小熊森林的藝術漫遊者An Art in the Little Bear’s Forest

83 宏達廣二享受繪本創作的挑戰Enjoy The Challenge Of Painting Picture Books

85 YEN-YA 對於童話的喜愛是熱情持續的動力Preference for Fairy Tale Is the Power of Passion(18).jpg 



3D動畫3D Animation

89 夢德結合傳統與現代的「3D動畫藝術家」The 3D Animation Artist combine traditional and modern concepts

93 呂志韋用熱情打造一流動畫Create First-Class Animations With Passion

95 戴小涵由靜至動的無限樂趣Find Pleasure From 3D Animations

98 楊欣儒為台灣動畫創作,埋下更多希望的種子Story Layout Modeling Texturing Animation Lighting Comp Editing

101 吳建錩3D時代,讓想像中的畫面動起來Let’s Acting the Vision of the Imagination in 3D Age

103 張柏賢從玩黏土開始的3D動畫夢想The 3D Animation Dreams Starting from the Modeling Clay



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